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Let's get local

Increase loyalty and revenue up to 15% with GoSee.

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Target local consumers

Access to 1000's of new clients

Loyalty members programs

Featured advertising

Target local consumers


spread the word and sell tickets for local events in Central Florida!

Boost Your Ticket Sales.

Whether you're building your brand or providing top-notch services, our platform is designed to help you succeed. Say goodbye to the hassle of traditional ticketing methods and hello to a seamless experience for both you and your attendees. With GoSee Local Events, you'll benefit from increased brand exposure, real time sales tracking, and secure payment processing. Plus, our customizable options give you the flexibility to make your events truly unique. Don't miss out on the opportunity to take your events to the next level.

Only take a couple of seconds......

spread the word and sell tickets for local events in Central Florida!

Boost Your Ticket Sales.

Whether you're building your brand or providing top-notch services, our platform is designed to help you succeed. Say goodbye to the hassle of traditional ticketing methods and hello to a seamless experience for both you and your attendees. With GoSee Local Events, you'll benefit from increased brand exposure, real time sales tracking, and secure payment processing. Plus, our customizable options give you the flexibility to make your events truly unique. Don't miss out on the opportunity to take your events to the next level.

Only take a couple of seconds...


Do you organize events with local businesses in your area? Do you have Venue Sponsors, Partners, Vendors?

Multiple Venue Location Feature

  • GoSee's platform offers an innovative Multiple Venue Event location feature.

  • On a single event page you can list multiple venues/business from the directory, or create your own location.

  • A click of the event page map icon offers directional route mapping from the first venue to the last venue.

Event Sponsors, Vendors, and Partners

  • You can create a thumbnail or mini profile page for your event vendors, sponsors, partners, speakers, host, DJ’s etc. We call them “Tags”.

  • Every Tag created by you can be attached to multiple events under your Organization.

  • At a food event, for example, you can create mini profile pages for all of your food vendors to help advertise their business.

  • Tags are saved for your next event.

Ratings and Reviews

  • Let attendees add ratings and reviews to an event.

  • Reviewed and approved by the event organizer before publishing.

  • Only a customer who has purchased a ticket for that event can add a rating and review from event page.

Designed for Organizers with Business Owners in mind

The marriage of local event planning and GoSee Local's dynamic business listings opens up new dimensions of excitement, engagement, and convenience for both you and your audience. Let us be the catalyst that transforms your events into unforgettable, multifaceted experiences.

GoSee Local Events Today!!!


Do you organize events with local businesses in your area? Do you have Venue Sponsors, Partners, Vendors?

Multiple Venue Location Feature

  • GoSee's platform offers an innovative Multiple Venue Event location feature.

  • On a single event page you can list multiple venues/business from the directory, or create your own location.

  • A click of the event page map icon offers directional route mapping from the first venue to the last venue.

Event Sponsors, Vendors, and Partners

  • You can create a thumbnail or mini profile page for your event vendors, sponsors, partners, speakers, host, DJ’s etc. We call them “Tags”.

  • Every Tag created by you can be attached to multiple events under your Organization.

  • At a food event, for example, you can create mini profile pages for all of your food vendors to help advertise their business.

  • Tags are saved for your next event.

Ratings and Reviews

  • Let attendees add ratings and reviews to an event.

  • Reviewed and approved by the event organizer before publishing.

  • Only a customer who has purchased a ticket for that event can add a rating and review from event page.

Designed for Organizers with Business Owners in mind

The marriage of local event planning and GoSee Local's dynamic business
listings opens up new dimensions of excitement, engagement, and convenience for
both you and your audience. Let us be the catalyst that transforms your events
into unforgettable, multifaceted experiences.

GoSee Local Events Today !!!

Designed for Organizers with Business Owners in mind

The marriage of local event planning and GoSee Local's dynamic business listings opens up new dimensions of excitement, engagement, and convenience for both you and your audience. Let us be the catalyst that transforms your events into unforgettable, multifaceted experiences.

GoSee Local Events Today!!!

Central Florida's Must-Have-List of Local Businesses, Venues & Events

1. Setup Account

Upload your details to our online directory of local businesses and once approved create events, connect w/ sponsors, and set up tags, for free !

2. Publish Events

With an Event Organizer account, published events will appear on the bottom of business listings. Letting locals buy tickets to your events with ease!

3. Promote

Customers in search of events, venues and local business in the area will find you in the directory and will come in to explore your featured events.

Central Florida's Must-Have-List of Local Businesses, Venues & Events

1. Setup Account

Upload your details to our online directory of local businesses and once approved create events, connect w/ sponsors, and set up tags, for free !

2. Publish Events

With an Event Organizer account, published events will appear on the bottom of business listings. Letting locals buy tickets to your events with ease!

3. Promote

Customers in search of events, venues and local business in the area will find you in the directory and will come in to explore your featured events.

Designed with Organizers and Business Owners in Mind, with Functions like Discount Promo Codes, Event URL Shortener, On Sale Timer, Clone Events, and Many More...



Advanced Team


Create user groups with limited access like a sub-organizer who can manage things like bookings, check-in or door sales.

  • Managers can manage everything on behalf of Organizers.

  • Ticket scanners, scans & validates customers' tickets at the event entrance & check them in with the integrated Ticket Scanner app.

  • POS Level can sell tickets at the event's entrance.

Reserved Seating System

Create any sort of reserved seating system for any type of event you can think of! This system is completely flexible...

  • Add any kind of seating arrangement e.g Stadiums, Town Halls, cinemas, Restaurants, Lounges, etc.

  • Create categories, upload seating charts, and start selling.

Multiple Booking Configurations

Create various types of booking variations. The control is in the hands of the event organizer...

  • Whether an event is free, paid, or has a maximum ticket quantity, our various booking configurations have you covered.

  • Advanced Booking Filters to filter bookings with more options.

  • Assign Booking Limits per customer - Limit customers from purchasing a single ticket multiple times

The Benefits Just Don't Stop...

Customize Event Frequency

  • Whether you have a one-time event or desire repetitive scheduling, they can easily customize its frequency with the touch of a button. Skip months from a series of monthly, weekly & daily repetitive schedules.

Event Guest List

  • Organizers can create separate guest lists to export their emails CSV and send them bulk emails about event promotions or any other updates.

MailChimp Integration

  • Subscribe event attendees directly to MailChimp account with event tag to send email to attendees event-wise.



Advanced Team


Create user groups with limited access like a sub-organizer who can manage things like bookings, check-in or door sales.

  • Managers can manage everything on behalf of Organizers.

  • Ticket scanners, scans & validates customers' tickets at the event entrance & check them in with the integrated Ticket Scanner app.

  • POS Level can sell tickets at the event's entrance.

Reserved Seating System

Create a reserved seating plan for any type of event you can think of! This system is completely flexible...

  • Add any kind of seating arrangement e.g Stadiums, Town Halls, cinemas, Restaurants, Lounges, etc.

  • Create categories, upload seating charts, and start selling.

Multiple Booking Configurations

Create various types of booking variations. The control is in the hands of the event organizer...

  • Whether an event is free, paid, or has a maximum ticket quantity, our various booking configurations have you covered.

  • Advanced Booking Filters to filter bookings with more options.

  • Assign Booking Limits per customer - Limit customers from purchasing a single ticket multiple times

The Benefits Just Don't Stop...

Customize Event Frequency

  • Whether you have a one-time event or desire repetitive scheduling, they can easily customize its frequency with the touch of a button. Skip months from a series of monthly, weekly & daily repetitive schedules.

Event Guest List

  • Organizers can create separate guest lists to export their emails CSV and send them bulk emails about event promotions or any other updates.

MailChimp Integration

  • Subscribe event attendees directly to MailChimp account with event tag to send email to attendees event-wise.

Designed for Organizers with Business Owners in mind

The marriage of local event planning and GoSee Local's dynamic business
listings opens up new dimensions of excitement, engagement, and convenience for
both you and your audience. Let us be the catalyst that transforms your events
into unforgettable, multifaceted experiences.

GoSee Local Events Today !!!

At GoSee Local, we're passionate about making it easy and affordable to spread the word and sell tickets for local events in Central Florida. Our ticketing and marketing platform is user-friendly and reliable, making it the perfect solution for event organizers of all sizes. Whether you're hosting a charity fundraiser, music festival, or anything in between, GoSee Local has everything you need to make your event a success. From customizable event pages to real-time sales tracking, we've got you covered. So what are you waiting for? Sign up with GoSee Local today and start selling more tickets!!

Example of Orgamizer Account

Example of Organizer Account

At GoSee Local, we're passionate about making it easy and affordable to spread the word and sell tickets for local events in Central Florida. Our ticketing and marketing platform is user-friendly and reliable, making it the perfect solution for event organizers of all sizes. Whether you're hosting a charity fundraiser, music festival, or anything in between, GoSee Local has everything you need to make your event a success. From customizable event pages to real-time sales tracking, we've got you covered. So what are you waiting for? Sign up with GoSee Local today and start selling more tickets!!

Let's get started

See What GoSee Local Can Do for Your Events

Our in-house experts can walk you through everything you need to know.

Let's get started

See What GoSee Local Can Do for Your Events

It's free to set up and account. Ticket fees applied to consumer are $1+ 2% of ticket price. A 3% transaction fees applied as well. Free Events are Free, however you must connect your Stipe account in order to sell tickets.

Our in-house experts can walk you through everything you need to know.

*GoSee Local is currently only accepting Florida Registered Businesses & Event Organizers focused in the Hospitality, Leisure, and Entertainment industries. For updates when we expand further, please sign up for our newsletter.

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